Erika was key in helping me through my concerns with my first birth, and giving me great information in the form of a VBAC workshop to know I could have a VBAC at home.

Our Last minute change from hospital to home for VBAC

Nicole and Daniel shared with me some of their thoughts and feelings about preparing for a vaginal birth after a cesarean.  Nicole changed from Obstetric care at a private hospital to employing independent midwives for a home birth in the last 6 weeks of her pregnancy.  She is an inspiration for following her heart and making this decision when cultural pressure would have had her choose otherwise.   She chose to listen to her intuition along with thorough exploration of her options and feels very proud of her birthing experience.  Read on…..

What do I want to acknowledge myself for about my birth preparation and experience?

I can do it!  Although 5 weeks wasn’t a lot of time you can certainly make it happen in that time frame.  Experience was much more relaxed and less painful than I had imagined.  Oh and much quicker.

What did I learn about myself during the partnership with my doula? 

It gave me support, confidence to continue the birthing journey.  It gave my husband confidence to stick around and to participate without the worry of ‘is everything alright?’

Is there anything I would like to do differently next time I am pregnant / give birth / parent?  

More work on preparing for breastfeeding and have perinium support during birth (perhaps more work in this prior as well)

What were the benefits in having doula support?

  • In preparing for birth – building confidence, overcoming negative thoughts, answer questions, clarity, focus, assistance in getting organized
  • At the birth – just having some one there takes so much pressure off, to reassure and guide you gently through the process
  • In knowing my options and making informed choices –  Erika was key in helping me through my concerns with my first birth and giving me great information in the form of a VBAC workshop to know I could have a VBAC birth at home.
  • For my partner – invaluable, he said he could not have done it without you.  He mentioned in particular the help with my breathing and in what to do given the midwives were not around when the head was on show.
  • Regarding preparation for life with my baby – I think my currently experience was enough here.   I guess talking through some of the reactions and preparation for my 4 year old would have been good.


Is there anything I would like my doula to offer, or do differently, that may improve her support for me, or others? (refer to the list above)

Not at all.  It was the perfect partnership from my perspective and given the midwives didn’t arrive until late (6 mins before birth) I am so appreciative of the support.

Do I have any other feedback for my doula? 

Your coaching experience helped me to make the decision to have my VBAC or HBAC and overcome the final blocks to get me over the line and be comfortable with the decision.  As a coach it was nice to have someone who could speak the same language style as me.

Nicole and Daniels Testimonial

I remember Erika saying to me to call her first for reassurance and support when I go into labour should I need it.  This was my first port of call when I started to feel my contractions getting frequent and strong.  I called Erika and although I was not sure of where my progress was I really felt like I needed some reasurrance to keep me focused during the birthing process.  I am so glad to have had you there.  As soon as you arrived I felt supported, cared for and reassured of my progress.  It was in a subtle and constructive way that you guided me into more constructive and less energetic positions and working at controlling my breathing through the contractions.  All this without pushing my husband aside.

My husband thinks Erika is an amazing person who had the ability to control my pace during the early stages with positioning and breathing.  “I needed that guiding hand to assist me in supporting Nicole.”