VBAC Books Recommendations
Vaginal birth after caesarean by Helen Churchill and Wendy Savage
Silent knife by Nancy Wainer Cohen and Lois J Estner
Thinking Womans Guide to a Better Birth – Henci Goer
(a researcher who has collated evidence regarding the current birth culture -stats and facts)
Obstetric Myths v’s Research Realities – Heni Goer
(like book above but more academic and referenced)
Caesarean Birth: Your Questions Answered by Debie Chippington-Derrick, Gina Lowdon and Fiona Barlow.
The VBAC companion by Diana Korte
(A small booklet with several VBAC stories)
Gentle birth gentle mothering by Dr Sarah Buckley
(Birth preparation, birth stories, interventions, prenatal testing, parenting preparedness)
Ina May Gaskins A Guide to Childbirth
(1/2 of the book are birth stories and the rest explains what the body is so perfectly made to birth. Ina May is a world renown expert on normal birth and has incredible outcomes at ‘The farm’ in Tennessee where she runs a birth centre practice).
Birthing from Within by Pam England and Rob Horowitz (Childbirth preparation)
The Pink Kit – Understanding your pelvis, exercises, visualizations etc to have as much space as possible for your baby to navigate their birth journey through.
VBAC Website Recommendations
CANA – vbac choices – Caesarean Awareness Network Australia www.canaustralia.net
(full of facts and stats, articles, testimonials, recommended reading etc)
ICAN – caesarean information – International Caesarean Awareness Network – is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve maternal-child health by preventing unnecessary cesareans through education, providing support for cesarean recovery, and promoting Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)
Birthrites – vbac choices – Healing after caesarean www.birthrites.org
(full of facts and stats, articles, testimonials, recommended reading etc)
Childbirth Connection’s www.childbirthconnections.org
“What every pregnant woman needs to know about caesarean section” www.childbirthconnections.org/article.asp?ck=10164
www.vbac.com – vbac research – Research-based information, resources, continuing education and support for VBAC
www.spinningbabies.com – optimal foetal positioning – Spinning Babies is a unique, step-by-step approach to Optimal Fetal Positioning. Certain positions of the baby make labor easier than others.
Statistics and research UK:
VBAC Workshop Recommendations
Birth Works – Vaginal Birth After Caesarean ½ day workshop www.birthworks.com.au
Some public and private hospitals eg. Box Hill Hospital, Birallee, etc.
Consumer Advocacy Organizations
ICAN (International Caesarean Awareness Network) – USA based
MC (Maternity Coalition) www.maternitychoices.org.au – Australian based
A mother/baby centred caesarean – It can be done! – (Youtube Video Clip)
(other suggestions of resources that you would recommend are most welcome)
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