Breech Baby?
Many maternity care-providers do not support vaginal breech birth and will advise a planned caesarean section at 38 or 39 weeks if your baby does not turn. This is partly because most obstetricians and midwives do not possess skills in vaginal breech birth and so they are unable to offer this option safely.
However, depending on various maternal and foetal factors, vaginal breech birth is not necessarily any riskier than caesarean section, particularly with the support of an experienced attendant. You might therefore approach a doctor or midwife with skills in vaginal breech birth (and who therefore is less likely to be biased in favour of caesarean section) and ask for their advice on whether you would be a good candidate for a ‘trial of labour’.

An index of articles related to breech birth with critical review and referencing.
A support group for women with breech presenting babies
We are a group of mothers and midwives who offer social support and information to women with babies presenting by the breech or who have given birth to breech babies (vaginally or surgically).
Spinning babies
A website dedicated to helping you understand how to align and move your body to make birthing easier.
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