Dig deeper into the knowledge, practical skills and care to confidently support your partner during pregnancy, birth and early parenting.
Online from 6.30 – 8pm |1/month | hosted by Erika Munton and Aladdin Jones.
Get 4 weeks of amazing ongoing resources to share with your partner.
This workshop is all about the men or other parent: their experiences, feelings, preparation and wisdom. It’s a life changer!
Private sessions are also an option.
Active birth prep = great team work and trust
We want all dads to feel more confident, knowledgable and able to:
- Provide meaningful emotional, practical and physical support to their partner now and during labour
- Understand how they can help optimise normal physiological childbirth
- Communicate effectively to advocate for their partner and family
- Take care of their emotions and needs.
- Bond and feel love grow with their baby, partner and as a family.
Some sobering facts. Did you know…
- Most men feel unsure about how to help their partner in labour effectively
- 1 in 10 dads are experiencing PND (Post natal depression).
- During labour men experience huge emotions ranging from ecstasy to agony.
- Men can feel empowered or traumatised depending on how engaged, supported and educated they are during pregnancy and birth.
- 1 in 5 feel lonely and isolated in their first year of parenting.
When we support a dad he can support his family better and thrive personally.
Dads make a difference!
We believe that empowered men have the potential to change the current landscape of birthing practices in Australia and support women centred maternity care. Families thrive when a expectant father / other parent / carer is engaged as a significant part of the maternity care experience. When the other parent has support, knowledge and practice to prepare for a positive birth we have healthier outcomes for everyone.
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The active engagement of fathers in maternity care is associated with long-term health & social benefits for the mother baby & family.
The needs of prospective fathers should be given more recognition during childbirth.
Having a baby is 1 of life’s major events. The attendance of prospective fathers during childbirth is taken for granted and they are expected to support the woman giving birth, which means being at her side.
Pregnancy and childbirth engender physical, social, emotional, and psychological changes for expectant fathers.
Studies about father’s involvement are increasing but studies about the needs of fathers during childbirth, however, are scarce.
In 2015 the world health organisation declared that engaging fathers is a priority for all maternal health services around the world.
Studies have shown that fathers experience labour as a positive but demanding event and they express that information for prospective fathers is lacking.
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