Hi Erika, I just want to say it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done but I’m so proud of myself that I kept going. The birth centre midwife was amazing. She had me doing the flights of stairs at 4am with contractions every 2 min (I wasn’t happy at this point at all) to get Zoe in a better position as she was still posterior and up high.

Hi Erika, I just wanted to let you know our beautiful girl Zoe, arrived at 7am yesterday after a very long few days. She is so beautiful and perfect and the birthing was amazing. I ended up with her being born after 4 days of waters breaking and ctx every 8 minutes for the whole time but her moving in and out of the pelvis so it never got really, really strong just enough to stop me in my tracks.

Eventually they kicked along a bit and 11 hours of active labour she was born, no drugs, no stitches and 3.9 kg’s. It was the hardest thing I’ve even done but I’m so proud of myself that I kept going. The birth centre midwife was amazing, she had me doing the flights of stairs at 4am with ctx every 2 minutes (I wasn’t happy at this point at all) to get Zoe in a better position as she was still posterior and up high. It worked and she moved into a good position and out she came within 10 minutes of pushing. We went home after 10 hours and she is just perfect, I feel like I’ve pulled every muscle in my body but that’s nothing!

Thanks for your encouragement and the CD, I listened to it numerous times and I was thinking of water when I started to panic at one stage. Better go feed my girl, she has been feeding well and was on the breast within 5 min’s of being born and hasn’t looked back.